Termite Inspection
Termites can cause serious and lasting damage to a home. In middle Tennessee, the best preventative measure is a termite inspection with a certified termite letter.

Long Term Residents
Termites infest around 600,000 homes in the United States every year and cause $40 billion dollars of damage around the globe, making them the most common home insect. Southeastern states, including Tennessee, are more prone to termite activity due to the regions humid climate.
Humidity is not the only termite attractant. Moisture issues within and outside the house are also factors in a termite inspection. Leaking water pipes, improper lot drainage, and poorly ventilated crawlspaces all create moisture issues that attract termites. Dampwood and subterranean termites in particular thrive in humid environments. While Dampwood termites prefer water-damaged wood, subterranean termites are unable to live unless surrounded by enough moisture.

Termite Letters
A DILIGENT termite inspection and certified letter will provide a clean bill of health for your home OR notify you if there is any active or inactive damage, evidence of previous treatment on the home, and where the damage is located. Termite letters may be required by lenders to approve certain types of loans. Termite letters are valid for 30 days after inspection in TN.
Learn about Our Services
Home Inspection
Commerical Inspection
Pre-Drywall Inspection
Quick Consult
Mold Assessment
Crawlspace Consultation
Stucco / EIFS / Stone Veneer
Structural Inspection
Short Term Rental Inspection
Termite Inspections
Radon Testing
Sewer Camera Inspections
Mold Screening
Repair Inspection
Cost Outline Report
Lead / Asbestos Testing
Water Testing
Pool / Spa Inspection
Home Inspection
Not sure where to start!? Call us to book a home inspection today and to learn more about the services that would be best suited for your home and safety!